AB Solutions Security company provides installation of access control systems and other security systems. We will help you perform design and installation and carry out further warranty and post-warranty service.
If it is necessary, we perform staff training in matters related to using the security system. By means of solidly established contacts with the suppliers and manufacturers of security equipment, we provide it at quite favorable prices.
Entrance to an office is performed with a chip-key and the departure is done by means of the exit button. This option features simplicity of use, low cost and necessary functionality.
This case excludes the danger of fabrication, loss or theft of an identifier, and it is also impossible to pass the identifier to another person, which is highly relevant as for the systems of worktime logging.
A mobile phone can be used as a wireless portable person’s identity. It suffices only to hold the phone up to the reader in order to open the door.
Code access
A code lock is intended for its installation in a wall or doors. It may have light or sound indication at opening. It enables to use different codes as well as regulate the time of opening.
Card access
Logging the visits and card access control features simplicity of installation and adjustment. The cards are read at holding them up to a control device even without contact.
Design of security alarming is the development of optimal placement of security systems in compliance with the requirements of effective regulations and legal acts.